Harry Fackelman, B.A.

Harry Fackelman, B.A.

Lecturer, Applied Saxophone Rockwell Hall 203
Phone: Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: fackelh@buffalostate.edu

Harry Fackelman joined the Buffalo State faculty in 2014.  He teaches saxophone and coaches chamber music. In addition, he taught Woodwind Techniques in the fall 2014 semester.  A founding member of the Amherst Saxophone Quartet, the group toured for nearly three decades, recorded nine CD's, and made appearances on The Tonight Show and CBS Sunday Morning.  Many of the ASQ’s concerts included his arrangements from Baroque to Ragtime and Jazz. 

Currently, Harry is performing and recording with diverse groups and continues to be a part of the woodwind section of many theater and concert touring productions in Buffalo. Fackelman also serves on the music faculty at the University at Buffalo and teaches woodwinds at Nardin Academy.