Kerry B. Renzoni, Ph.D.
Chair and Associate Professor Rockwell Hall 203Office: (716) 878-4085
Email: renzonkb@buffalostate.edu
Kerry B. Renzoni's profile
Wendy L. Higgins, B.S.
Administrative Assistant 1 Rockwell Hall 203Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: higginwl@buffalostate.edu

Ho Eui Holly Bewlay, D.M.A. (she/her/hers) 배 호 의
Professor, Vocal Area Coordinator Rockwell Hall 116EPhone: (716) 878-6658
Email: bewlayhe@buffalostate.edu
Ho Eui Holly Bewlay, D.M.A. (she/her/hers) 배 호 의's profile

Emily W. Boyce, D.M.A.
Associate Professor, Piano Coordinator Rockwell Hall 132BPhone: (716) 878-3102
Email: boyceew@buffalostate.edu
Emily W. Boyce, D.M.A.'s profile

Mark H. Filsinger, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Applied Trumpet and Music Education Rockwell Hall 132DPhone: (716) 878-6420
Email: filsinmh@buffalostate.edu
Mark H. Filsinger, Ph.D.'s profile

Ricky L. Fleming, Ph.D.
Professor, Director of Bands Rockwell Hall 132FPhone: (716) 878-6504
Email: fleminrl@buffalostate.edu
Ricky L. Fleming, Ph.D.'s profile

Victoria J. Furby, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Music Education Coordinator and Director of Choral Ensembles Rockwell Hall 203Phone: (716) 878-6401
Email: furbyvj@buffalostate.edu
Victoria J. Furby, Ph.D.'s profile

Carolyn Guzski, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Bachelor of Arts Coordinator Rockwell Hall 132APhone: (716) 878-3814
Email: guzskic@buffalostate.edu
Carolyn Guzski, Ph.D.'s profile

Jose T. Henriques, Ph.D.
Professor, Digital Music Production Coordinator Rockwell Hall 105Phone: (716) 878-6932
Email: henriqjt@buffalostate.edu
Jose T. Henriques, Ph.D.'s profile

Ivan Docenko Jr., B.F.A.
Accompanist Rockwell Hall 116KOffice: (716) 878-4190
Email: docenki@buffalostate.edu
Ivan Docenko Jr.'s profile

Ellen M. Barnum, B.A.
Lecturer, Applied Bassoon and Instrumental Music Coordinator Rockwell Hall 203Phone: (716) 878-6401
Email: barnumem@buffalostate.edu
Ellen M. Barnum, B.A.'s profile

Gabrielle A. Carlo, M.A.
Lecturer, Music History Rockwell Hall 203Phone: (716) 878-6401
Email: carloga@buffalostate.edu
Gabrielle A. Carlo, M.A.'s profile
Dylan Carrow
Ciminelli Recital Hall Manager and Assistant Production Manager Rockwell Hall 211Email: carrowde@buffalostate.edu
Janz C. Castelo, B.M.
Lecturer, String Ensemble Rockwell Hall 203Phone: (716) 878-6401
Email: casteljc@buffalostate.edu

Evan E. Drummond, M.L.S.
Lecturer, Applied Guitar Rockwell Hall 203Phone: (716) 878-6401
Email: drummoee@buffalostate.edu
Evan E. Drummond, M.L.S.'s profile

Bryan M. Eckenrode, M.L.S.
Lecturer, Applied Cello Rockwell Hall 203Phone: (716) 878-6401 Campus Address: Rockwell Hall 203 eckenrbm@buffalostate.edu
Email: eckenrbm@buffalostate.edu
Bryan M. Eckenrode, M.L.S.'s profile

John F. Fleischman, M.L.S.
Lecturer, Applied Voice Rockwell Hall 203Phone: Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: fleiscjf@buffalostate.edu
John F. Fleischman, M.L.S.'s profile

Katelyn Fridmann, M.A.
Lecturer, Applied HornEmail: fridmakc@buffalostate.edu
Katelyn Fridmann, M.A.'s profile

Amy M. Glidden, M.L.S.
Lecturer, Applied Violin Rockwell Hall 203Phone: (716) 878-6401
Email: gliddeam@buffalostate.edu
Amy M. Glidden, M.L.S.'s profile

Mark H. Hodges, M.M.
Lecturer, Applied Percussion and Percussion Ensemble Rockwell Hall 203Phone: Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: hodgesmh@buffalostate.edu
Mark H. Hodges, M.M.'s profile

Kate Holzemer, M.L.S.
Lecturer, Applied Viola Rockwell Hall 203Phone: Phone: Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: hodgesmh@buffalostate.edu
Kate Holzemer, M.L.S.'s profile

Pim Liebmann, M.M.
Lecturer, Applied Trombone, Euphonium, and TubaEmail: liebmape@buffalostate.edu
Pim Liebmann, M.M.'s profile

Anna Mattix, M.L.S.
Lecturer, Applied OboeEmail: music@buffalostate.edu
Anna Mattix, M.L.S.'s profile

Nicole J. McPherson, D.M.A.
Lecturer, Applied FluteEmail: mcphernj@buffalostate.edu
Nicole J. McPherson, D.M.A.'s profile
Nora T. Murnane-Robertson, M.Ed.
Lecturer, Music Education Rockwell Hall 203Phone: Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: murnannt@buffalostate.edu

Tiffany M. Nicely, Ph.D.
Lecturer, Musicology and West African Drumming Ensemble Rockwell Hall 203Phone: Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: nicelytm@buffalostate.edu
Tiffany M. Nicely, Ph.D.'s profile
Daniel Pendley
Lecturer, Applied Bass Rockwell Hall 204Phone: 617-878-6401
Email: pendledl@buffalostate.edu

Kyle B. Resnick, M.L.S.
Lecturer, Trumpet Ensemble Rockwell Hall 203Phone: Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: resnickb@buffalostate.edu
Kyle B. Resnick, M.L.S.'s profile
Jonathan C. Rizzo, B.A.
Accompanist Rockwell Hall 203Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: rizzojc@buffalostate.edu

Kahlil P. Sarikey, D.M.A.
Lecturer, Guitar Ensemble Rockwell Hall 203Phone: Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: sarikekp@buffalostate.edu
Kahlil P. Sarikey, D.M.A.'s profile

Karen Saxon, M.S.
Lecturer, Applied VoiceEmail: saxonke@buffalostate.edu
Karen Saxon, M.S.'s profile
Karen B. Schmid, M.L.S.
Accompanist Rockwell Hall 203Phone: Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: schmidkb@buffalostate.edu
Elliot M. Scozzaro, M.L.S.
Lecturer, Applied Saxophone and Musicology Rockwell Hall 203Phone: Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: scozzaem@buffalostate.edu
David E. Sipos, B.A.
Instructional Support Assistant Rockwell Hall 203Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: siposde@buffalostate.edu
Stephen J. Solook, D.M.A.
Lecturer, Applied Percussion Rockwell Hall 203Phone: (716) 878-6401
Email: hodgesmh@buffalostate.edu
Stephen J. Solook, D.M.A.'s profile

Joseph S. Spann, D.M.A.
Lecturer, Applied Voice Rockwell Hall 203Phone: Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: spannjs@buffalostate.edu
Joseph S. Spann, D.M.A.'s profile

Erin E. Vander Wyst, D.M.A.
Lecturer, Applied Clarinet Rockwell Hall 203Phone: Office: (716) 878-6401
Email: vanderee@buffalostate.edu
Erin E. Vander Wyst, D.M.A.'s profile