Our Facilities

Louis P. Ciminelli Recital Hall
The Louis P. Ciminelli Recital Hall is a concert venue located on the 3rd floor of the Rockwell building. This hall features a unique Yamaha AFC (acoustics field control) system that not only enhances the acoustics properties of the room, but that was uniquely expanded to provide a 52.1 surround sound system. This modification has turned this facility into a state-of-the-art research lab for multi-channel sound. It is further equipped with a Polycom HD fast Internet video system, which allows the music department to foster network-based, synchronous musical performances as well as real time instrumental and vocal Master Classes, etc. The hall has it own recording and mixing booth built around a Yamaha DM1000 mixing console.

Performing Arts Center at Rockwell Hall
The Performing Arts Center (PAC) is located in Rockwell Hall and is a proscenium-style theater with 850 seats and equipped with state-of-the-art recording capability.
The PAC includes a Steinway Concert Grand Piano, an acoustic concert shell, and full sound- and light-plots. The theater’s exceptional acoustics, clear sightlines and sound and lighting makes it an ideal venue for student, faculty, and guest artist concerts.

LoRusso Recording Studio
The LoRusso Recording Studio is used for professional recording, mixing and post-production work. It can remotely record concerts and events taking place at different locations within Rockwell Hall. The lab is also used for instructional purposes, supporting a broad array of sounds recording, reinforcement, and mixing classes.
This facility features a high-end Avid ProTools HD system, a Digidesign C|24 mixing console, a 5.1 JBL surround sound system, 3 large screen displays for visual feedback of concert recordings at remote locations and two Mac Pro towers. The computers run software for sound recording and mixing, Audio/MIDI sequencing and video and multimedia.

Music Major Housing in The Studio: An Arts-Based Living Community
The Studio is an arts-based living community open to all music, television and film arts, and theater majors. Residents have the opportunity to live and collaborate with artistically minded peers and participate in a variety of arts-based events. The Studio is located in Tower 1 with suite-style living and includes a student lounge with a full kitchen.
- A group of like-minded students with common goals.
- Common room equipped with piano and music stands.
- Practice hours in the common room.
- A secure and dedicated practice room on the first floor with 24-hour practice access.
- Convenient location to the Music Department and other campus amenities.
- Special programs and lectures arranged exclusively for residences.
- The opportunity to design, decorate, or change the feel of your room.
The Music Major Suites have a designated liaison who communicates directly with the Music Department chair and Residence Life administration. If you are interested in reserving a space, please contact: the Music Department, (716) 878-6401, music@buffalostate.edu. Music majors will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Large Ensemble Rehearsal Room
The Large Ensemble Rehearsal Room is used for intimate performances and is the primary studio for the Buffalo State Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and Philharmonia Orchestra.

Klein Digital Music Studio
The Klein Digital Music Studio houses the Digital Music Ensemble, a group performing exclusively with computers and state-of-the-art electronic music instruments and controllers. Instruments include: the Haken Continuum Finger Board, the Theremin; wind controllers such as the Akai EWI (Electronic Wind Instrument), the MDT (Morrison Digital Trumpet), and the EigenHarp Pico; percussion controllers such as the ZenDrum, the Roland Hand-Sonic, the Akai MPD26, the MalletKat digital marimba; the Korg Electribe and the AKAI MPC 5000 music workstations; electronic keyboards such as the Moog Voyager analog synthesizer and the Roland V-Synth digital synthesizer, and also synth modules such as the Yamaha Vl70-m and the Korg Radias.
For mixing and sound playback the Digital Music Ensemble uses a Prosonus StudioLive 24-channel mixer, 5 Roland KC-350 floor monitors, 4 Mackie SMR450 speakers and a Mackie SRM1801 subwoofer. A Kyma Pacarana music workstation along with two Macintosh PowerBooks and three iMacs with software for sound synthesis, music sequencing and real time interactive sampling and looping expand the sonic pallet available to the ensemble. For mixing and sound playback, the Digital Music Ensemble uses a Prosonus StudioLive 24-channel mixer, 5 Roland KC-350 floor monitors, 4 Mackie SMR450 speakers and a Mackie SRM1801 subwoofer.

Digital Music Lab
The computer lab contains fourteen student workstations, which include an iMAC 21.5” computer, two active studio monitors, Audio and MIDI interfaces, analog and digital hardware synthesizers, a hybrid MIDI controller, an 8-channel mixer, a microphone, and a full-size velocity-sensitive digital keyboard. Each computer is equipped with professional music software covering areas of MIDI/digital audio sequencing, sound recording, sound editing and post-production, sound synthesis, algorithmic composition, music notation, instructional software for music education and music theory and software for video and multimedia.
The workstations are designed to function as an ensemble of digital “instruments,” given their extensive capability to generate, process, and playback high-quality sound. The lab is equipped with the technical means to pipe, in real-time, the sounds and the musical performances created by this 15-computer digital orchestra, sending it via a Dante audio network, to a unique 51.1 surround sound system located within the Louis P. Ciminelli Recital Hall, two floors above.
The lab includes a scanner, printer, and ceiling-mounted digital projector, as well as a projector screen and whiteboards. The windows are coated with a sun-protection film to protect the equipment and increase monitor/projection visibility. This space is air conditioned with an independent wall-mounted unit, though heated with the general zone on the first floor. The computer lab is equipped with a room security system featuring a personalized access code provided for each faculty member. Music students have access to the lab.