Students accepted into the B.A. in Music with Concentration in Music Performance program must perform two recitals prior to graduation.

Booking Your Recital
Prospective recitalists must complete the Online Recital Booking Form by the last day of classes before CEP Week of the semester prior to the proposed recital, and pass a recital jury at least four weeks prior to the scheduled recital date. At the discretion of the music faculty, an unsuccessful recital jury will result in a re-scheduling or cancellation of the recital. The recital program must follow a standard format and be submitted for proofreading to the appropriate applied music instructor at least two weeks prior to the recital. Sample programs are available from the faculty. Following successful completion of the recital, a recital program must be submitted to the music department office to be stored in the student files.
Performance-related Information
? Student Recital Program Template >
Junior Recitals
Students may perform their junior recital during the semester in which they are enrolled in MUS 371 or 373 Applied Lessons. The recital shall consist of at least 25 minutes of music.
Recitalists must submit the Online Recital Booking Form by the last day of classes of the semester prior to the proposed recital.
Recital Jury
- Recitalists must pass a recital jury at least four weeks prior to the scheduled recital date
- Must demonstrate a degree of technical and musical mastery, sufficient to indicate to the faculty that a successful recital will be given
- An unsuccessful recital jury will result in a re-scheduling or cancellation of the recital
In addition to regular, applied lesson enrollment, students must enroll in MUS 495: Junior Recital during the semester in which they will perform their recital in order to receive credit towards the Performance Concentration.
Senior Recitals
Students may perform their senior recital during the semester in which they are enrolled in MUS 471 or 473 Applied Lessons. The recital shall consist of at least 50 minutes of music.
Recitalists must submit the Online Recital Booking Form by the last day of classes of the semester prior to the proposed recital.
Recital Jury
- Recitalists must pass a recital jury at least four weeks prior to the scheduled recital date
- Must demonstrate a degree of technical and musical mastery of his/her program, sufficient to indicate to the faculty that a successful recital will be given.
- An unsuccessful recital jury will result in a re-scheduling or cancellation of the recital.
In addition to regular, applied lesson enrollment, students must enroll in MUS 491: Capstone in Music – Senior Recital during the semester in which they will perform their senior recital in order to receive credit toward the concentration in music performance.
Recital Adjudication
Recitals are evaluated by a faculty committee consisting of the student’s applied teacher and two additional faculty members with expertise in their area of applied instruction. Committee members may evaluate the recital in person or by recording.
Recital Rubric
1. Excellent tone quality, breath support, intonation, and facility throughout the entire performance.
2. Solid performance with consistently accurate rhythm, notes, and score details (diction and memory when applicable); Appropriate and steady tempo throughout.
3. Stylistically appropriate expression, nuance, phrasing, and dynamics throughout the entire performance; Confident, professional, and artistic presentation.
If the performance does not meet standards, one of the following outcomes will occur:
- The student may be asked to repeat part or all of their recital during jury week of the same semester.
- The student may be asked to repeat their recital during the subsequent semester with an additional recital hearing required.
Students will be notified within two weeks of their performance if they will be required to replay any portion of their recital. If the opportunity to remediate an unsuccessful recital performance is similarly unsuccessful, the student will be dismissed from the B.A. in Music with Concentration in Music Performance program.
Half vs. Full Recital
Half Recital
A Half Recital consists of approximately 25 minutes of music, which is selected in consultation with the appropriate applied music instructor, and is required for B. Mus. majors and is optional, though encouraged, for B.A. majors. All Half Recitals require the appropriate instructor permission and may be given at the MUS 371 applied level or higher.
For students lacking a previously documented chamber music experience, the Half Recital must include one selection of appropriate chamber music repertoire. Two students will share a single recital date and time, each performing for approximately 30 minutes.
Students must obtain permission from either the Vocal or Instrumental Coordinator as appropriate in the semester prior to the proposed recital. Students who successfully perform a Half Recital may seek permission to be excused from performing a jury for the semester in which the recital occurred. Permission will be granted by the either the Vocal or Instrumental Coordinator, in consultation with the applied instructor.
Full Recital
A Full Recital consists of approximately 50 minutes of music performed by one student, which is selected in consultation with the appropriate applied music instructor. A Full Recital is not required for any degree program, but is appropriate for students considering graduate work in performance. Full Recitals require the appropriate instructor permission and may be given at the MUS 373 applied level or higher.
Students must also obtain permission from either the Vocal or Instrumental Coordinator as appropriate in the semester prior to the proposed recital. Permission will be granted based on the student’s previous performance on a Half Recital and history of demonstrated preparation habits, availability of resources, and other factors. Students who successfully perform a recital may seek permission to be excused from performing a jury for the semester in which the recital occurred. Permission will be granted by the either the Vocal or Instrumental Coordinator, in consultation with the applied instructor.
? Donor List for Recital Programs